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[Old] Automated Security Awareness Training Saves an MSP Time and Money

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[Old] Automated Security Awareness Training Saves an MSP Time and Money

There's an old saying that goes, "Time is money." This proverb is true for most things, and an MSP providing security awareness training (SAT) is no exception. But how does an MSP provide exceptional SAT while saving time and money?

Automation is an area of technology that is proving to be the golden chalice of saving time to save money. Automation covers many areas of a business, improving efficiencies and optimizing a specific operation or process. Automation can also be used in the delivery of security awareness training. With 70% of companies already implementing automation, offering your clients an automated security awareness training package will be no surprise and will provide an MSP with a competitive edge, saving them time and money.

How is Security Awareness Automated?

Automation covers a comprehensive set of use cases when implementing, deploying, and administering a security awareness training program for clients. 

SAT is much more effective when it is performed regularly. But setting up and deploying regular training sessions and associated tasks such as reporting can take up time and resources, resulting in increased costs to run a program. By automating certain aspects of the training, an organization and an MSP can optimize costs by reducing the time needed to set up and implement security awareness campaigns.

Some of the areas that can be automated by more advanced automated security awareness training platforms include the following:

Automated Phishing Campaigns

A simulated phishing platform delivers spoof emails and text messages to employees to test their responses. The administrator of the fake phishing campaign configures this platform. This task typically involves choosing the elements of a phishing message, such as:

  • Which employees will be targeted by spoof phishing messages?
  • What type of phishing message will be sent out?
  • The content of the phishing message, including phishing links and spoofed malicious attachments.
  • During training, feedback for an employee who clicks a malicious element teaches the employee what could go wrong.

All these elements are typically available from a rich source of preconfigured phishing templates. However, automation of these campaigns takes this process to new optimization levels by generating repeated simulated phishing campaigns with no user intervention. An automated scheduling calendar is used to send out preconfigured campaigns at regular intervals; the process is streamlined, saving time and money and ensuring regular training happens to improve the effectiveness of awareness programs. The campaigns are adjusted using AI to ensure that the simulated phishing program improves effectiveness over time.

Automated Reporting and Reminders

Reporting is integral to security awareness training; reports are used to evidence compliance and offer meaningful insights into awareness training. Also, reminders about training can take lots of time if done manually. An at-a-glance dashboard provides the tool to configure and auto-generate reports, alerts, and reminders. These reports contain information about how campaigns are progressing and can evidence the effectiveness of a training session, demonstrating improved security awareness.

Automated Enrolment

"Risky clickers" are those employees who click on a malicious link or open a dangerous attachment. Identifying these users and adjusting their training sessions would take a long time and create lags in training. Instead, a process known as 'Auto-enrolment 'for risky clickers is used to automatically assign a training simulation that fits the needs of that employee. The ability to automatically recognize risky behavior is an inherent aspect of behavior-driven security awareness training. Using a behavioral event to trigger an automated process to improve a training campaign on a per-user basis is a powerful way to save time and money. 

Start using SafeTitan for MSPs today and start taking advantage of the powerful automation capabilities of the Auto Phishing Campaigns.

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Five Ways Automated Security Awareness Training Saves an MSP Time and Money

Time and money savings, without compromising on the effectiveness of security awareness training, is essential for MSPs wishing to remain competitive. Automation can provide the ideal way to find the balance in changing security behaviors cost-effectively and efficiently. Here are five reasons to choose automation over manual security awareness training:

Free Up Time

Automated processes allow an MSP to free up time. Repeated processes are ideal for automation, and automated security awareness training platforms provide mechanisms to automate repetitive tasks. This reduces the time an MSP needs to deploy and manage SAT solutions. Reduced management time means an MSP can concentrate on building relationships, offering support, and designing exemplary awareness programs for their clients.

Automated Reports 

A centralized dashboard automates and schedules client reporting. Automated reporting also generates the reports needed to justify training and demonstrate increasing security awareness amongst staff.

Always-On Security

Research has shown that 79% of employees engage in risky security behaviors; having regular automated, AI-driven, simulated phishing campaigns helps to change behavior, empowering employees with the knowledge to prevent social engineering and phishing attacks. An MSP saves time and money by offering always-on security backed by automated fake phishing, AI, and auto-scheduling.

Remain in Compliance with Regulations 

Automated reports provide the evidence needed for regulatory compliance and audits. A dashboard that facilitates the automation of scheduled reporting removes the need for an MSP with multiple clients to micro-manage this service aspect. By using automated reporting, an MSP offers a stellar service to clients, with a reduced management overhead, and provides regulatory compliance support.

Scale Without Needing Extra Resource 

Automated security awareness platforms are fast to deploy and easy to manage, saving time and money. Centralized dashboards provide an easy-to-use UI with centralized configuration and setup. Automation and auto-scheduling ensure that an MSP can set up campaigns and stand back as the automated reporting and reminder features kick in, automating support and reducing MS overhead. A SaaS platform such as SafeTitan can be up and running in less than a minute, supported by automated phishing campaigns, allowing an MSP to scale quickly. 


How SafeTitan Automates Your Security Awareness 

SafeTitan is SaaS, so you can have training up and running fast. The multi-tenancy support provided by SafeTitan allows you to deploy across multiple clients; coupled with the automation features of SafeTitan, these clients can have enterprise-grade security awareness training campaigns delivered efficiently, regularly, reliably, and with insightful feedback.

As part of the behavioral-driven security awareness training, SafeTitan provides an automated simulated phishing campaign service called 'Auto Campaigns.' This fully automatic AI-driven feature allows MSPs to schedule regular phishing simulation campaigns in minutes. This helps managed service providers (MSPs) streamline the security campaign planning process. The SafeTitan Auto Campaigns automation tool enables MSPs to dramatically improve customer security awareness while reducing the time spent planning and managing cybersecurity initiatives.

Further features of SafeTitan include the following:

  • MSP Dashboard: allows manual or automated simulated phishing campaigns to be set up. Automated simulated [phishing is AI-driven to adjust to changes in user behavior over time.
  • Vast Set of Simulated Phishing Templates: Access to over 1.8K phishing templates that can be used to generate automated simulated phishing campaigns.
  • Auto Campaigns: AI-driven for always-on SAT campaigns. Allows an MSP to create an annual program of phishing simulation campaigns in minutes. Streamline the security campaign planning process. Save time and money.
  • Mass Campaigns and Training: No need to spend hours selecting customers and assigning one-by-one. Select multiple and spin up a training. 
  • Automate Scheduling: Create a campaign or training and schedule execution N times per week/month/year. 
  • Auto-Enrolment for Risky Clickers: If a predefined action is performed (i.e., the user clicked a link in a training phishing email), the user is automatically assigned to a training simulation.
  • Scheduled Client Reporting: Configure reports in a couple of clicks and enjoy new data weekly, bi-weekly, quarterly, bi-annually, or annually.

Book a free demo today if you would like to learn more about SafeTitan for MSPs.

Start using SafeTitan for MSPs today and start taking advantage of the powerful automation capabilities of the Auto Phishing Campaigns.

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