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Explore our catalog of security awareness training courses. These materials are regularly updated with new courses and modules published weekly. This training content provides the foundation for a robust and resilient security program tailored to your organization’s needs

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92% drop

in phishing susceptibility with SAT


of employees share passwords

$10.5 trillion

estimated global cybercrime cost


of data breaches involved a human being

TitanHQ SAT Catalog

This is a sample of the training areas we cover including phishing prevention, data protection strategies, social engineering defense, web security, malware prevention, managing mobile and removable devices and maintaining security while working remotely.

Security Awareness Examples.

Security Awareness Explored: This video explores the cybersecurity landscape, explaining the tactics used by cybercriminals and providing expert guidance on how to protect yourself from cyber attacks. Categories: Data Protection; Email Security; Malware Awareness; Mobile Device Security; Working Remotely; Social Engineering; Web Security; Authentication; Removeable Media Security.  Video duration: 10:33

ChatGPT and AI Security : Short video on the topic of ChatGPT and AI security. Categories: Web Security; Data Protection; Coding; Data Breaches. Video duration: 2:55

QR Code Phishing : Explains what QR code phishing is and why it’s becoming a popular tool of cybercriminals as well as providing guidance on how to protect yourself from QR code phishing. Categories: Phishing; Human Firewall; Malware Awareness; Spoofing. Video duration: 2:59

How to be a Human Firewall: Explains what a human firewall is and how they are essential to maintaining an organization’s cybersecurity . Provides guidance and tips on how individuals can secure their personal and company data. Categories: Human Firewall; Social Engineering. Video duration: 6:32

How to Protect Yourself Online : The guidance and techniques you need to stay safe in the modern digital landscape.Categories: Human Firewall; Data Breaches; Incident Response; Social Media, Web Security; Wi-Fi Security. Video duration: 7:04

Incident Response 101 : Explains the importance of responding quickly and effectively to security incidents. Categories: Incident Response. Video duration: 3:06

Spoofing : Explains what spoofing is and the techniques used by criminals. It also includes how to help prevent becoming a victim of spoofing. Categories: Spoofing; Social Engineering. Video duration: 2:26

Authentication Examples.

Authentication Explored: Explores the history of user authentication and password hacking. Provides guidance on how to create a strong password, and illustrates the benefits of password managers and multi-factor authentication. Categories: Access Control; Data Protection; Passwords; Social Engineering; Authentication; Data Breaches; Human Firewall; Multi-factor Authentication. Video duration: 8:40

Brute Force Attacks: Explains how hackers use brute force to crack passwords, and how to ensure your password is strong enough to defeat brute force. Categories: Authentication; Passwords. Video duration: 2:43

Password Security Training: Video explains the importance of having strong passwords. Categories: Passwords; Authentication; Multi- factor Authentication; Human Firewall. Video duration: 1:13

Staying Safe with a Strong Password: Explains how to stay safe by using strong passwords. Categories: Passwords; Authentication; Multi-factor Authentication. Video duration: 1:17

Passwords 101: Explains the importance of strong passwords in cybersecurity and how to create strong, unique but memorable passwords. Categories: Authentication; Passwords. Video duration: 3:10

Email Security Examples.

Email Security Explored: Explores the tactics cybercriminals use to exploit email communication and the dangers of sending emails to unintended recipients. Categories: Email Security; Phishing; Spear Phishing; Whaling; CEO Fraud; Business Email Compromise; Spoofing. Video duration: 7:10

Anatomy of a Whaling Attack: Video telling the true story of a real world whaling cyber attack . Categories: Email Security; CEO Fraud, Ransomware; Whaling; Spear Phishing; Business Email Compromise; Spoofing. Video duration: 5:30

CEO Fraud - Business Email Compromise: Video explains what is CEO Fraud/BEC and how to identify such scams. Categories: Business Email Compromise; CEO Fraud; Email Security; Phishing; Whaling; Spear Phishing; Spoofing. Video duration: 1:34

Clues for Spotting a Phishing Attack: Video explains how to spot a phishing attack. Categories: Phishing; Spear Phishing; Whaling; Email Security. Video duration: 1:45

How to Protect Against Phishing: Covers the tactics and techniques hackers use in phishing attacks, how to spot them and how to protect yourself from future attacks. Categories: Phishing; Business Email Compromise; Vishing; Smishing. Video duration: 12:00

Clues for Spotting Business Email Compromise Attacks: Explains how to spot business email compromise attacks. Categories: Business Email Compromise; CEO Fraud, Email Security; Phishing; Spear Phishing; Whaling. Video duration: 1:34

Social Media Phishing: Explains the tactics of phishing targets through the use of fake social media profiles and posts. Covers what steps you can take to stay safe from this form of cyber attack. Categories: Phishing; Social Media; Social Engineering; Web Security. Video duration: 2:40

Staying Safe from Whaling Attacks: Explains how to stay safe from whaling attacks. Categories: Whaling; Phishing; Email Security; Spear Phishing. Video duration: 2:02

Spear Phishing Standards: Explains how hackers use your habits and hobbies to carry out phishing attacks. Categories: Phishing; Spear Phishing; Email Security; Social Engineering. Video duration: 1:18

What Happens When You Click: Explores the potential consequences of clicking on a malicious link in a phishing mail, text or social media message. Categories: Email Security; Phishing; Incident Response. Video duration: 10:33

Business Email Compromise 101: Explains the tactics cybercriminals use when carrying out targeted spear phishing attacks using compromised email accounts and how to stay safe from them. Categories: Phishing. Video duration: 5:25

Data Protection Examples.

Data Protection Explored: Explores the concept of data protection and why it’s necessary. Covers the security awareness techniques and legal regulations which can help you protect your data. Categories: Data Protection; Social Media; Web Security; Data Breaches; Privilege Access; Third Party Cookies; Access Control. Video duration: 7:47

Handling Confidential Data Standards: Explains how to handle confidential data from work. Categories: Data Protection; Human Firewall; Working Remotely; Email Security. Video duration: 1:27

How to Protect Confidential Data: Illustrates the different types of confidential data and the secure practices that keep this information private and secure. Categories: Data Protection; Access Control. Video duration: 13:27

Staying Safe from Identity Theft: Explains how to stay safe from identity theft. Categories: Data Protection; Social Engineering. Video duration: 1:46

Social Engineering Explored.

Social Engineering Examples: Explores the types of social engineering attacks cybercriminals use to obtain login credentials and unauthorized access.  Categories: Social Engineering; Passwords; Phishing; Clean Desk. Video duration: 8:04

Social Engineering 101: Explains how cybercriminals use social engineering to steal credentials, confidential data and money, and how to protect against social engineering attacks. Categories: Social Engineering. Video duration: 5:50

Staying Safe from Smishing: Explains how to stay safe from SMS phishing attacks. Categories: Mobile Device Security; Phishing; Malware Awareness; Social Engineering; Smishing. Video duration: 1:33

Web Security Explored.

Web Security Examples : Covers the origins of the web, the current cyber threats users face, and how to stay safe when browsing the web. Categories: Web Security; Malware Awareness; HTTPS. Video duration: 9:06

Staying Safe when Using Social Media: Explains how to stay safe when using social media. Categories: Social Media; Web Security; Social Engineering; Human Firewall. Video duration: 1:33

How to Browse the Web Securely:  Explains the techniques and practices that can keep you safe while browsing the web. Categories: Web Security; Wi-Fi Security. Video duration: 14:45

Staying Safe when Banking Online: Explains how to stay safe when banking online. Categories: Web Security; Mobile Device Security; HTTPS; Human Firewall. Video duration: 1:19

Malware Explored.

Malware Examples: Explores the different types of malware, how they are distributed and how to protect your devices from infection. Categories: Spyware; Malware Awareness; Attachments; Email Security; Phishing; Web Security; Security Updates; Ransomware. Video duration: 9:15

Keyloggers: Keyloggers can track every keystroke entered into your computer or mobile device. This short video provides an overview of the types of keyloggers being used by cybercriminals and guidance on how to keep yourself and your devices safe. Categories: Physical Security; Spyware; Removeable Media Security; Malware Awareness; Wi-Fi Security. Video duration: 2:00

Malware 101: Explains the danger that malicious software poses to your personal devices and work networks along with providing guidance on how to protect against malware attacks. Categories: Malware Awareness. Video duration: 4:02

Working Remotely Explored.

This section explores the potential cybersecurity risks of remote working and provides guidance on how to stay safe while working on the move.  Categories: Social Media; Wi-Fi Security; Web Security; Working Remotely; Physical Security; Passwords; Multi-factor Authentication; Mobile Device Security; Removeable Media Security; Access Control. Video duration: 7:05

Staying Safe when Working from Home or on the Move : Explains how to stay safe when working from home or on the move.  Categories: Working Remotely; Wi-Fi Security; Removeable Media Security; Mobile Device Security; Human Firewall. Video duration: 1:21

Staying Safe when Using Public Wi-Fi: Explains how to stay safe when using public Wi-Fi. Categories: Wi-Fi Security; Working Remotely; Human Firewall; Spoofing. Video duration: 1:3.

Wi-Fi Standards: Video explains the risk of using open Wi-Fi . Categories: Wi-Fi Security; Web Security; Working Remotely. Video duration: 1:05 

Mobile and Removable Device Security Explored.

This selection of training videos explores the benefits and risks of using mobile devices and provides best practice on how to secure your devices. Categories: Mobile Device Security; Working Remotely; Wi-Fi Security; Web Security; Physical Security; Social Engineering; Multi-factor Authentication. Video duration: 6:15

Removable Media: Video explains the importance of treating all external data storage devices as potentially dangerous. Categories: Removeable Media Security; Pretexting; Social Engineering; Mobile Device Security. Video duration: 1:38

Staying Safe when Using your Mobile Phone: Explains how to stay safe when using your mobile phone. Categories: Mobile Device Security; Wi-Fi Security. Video duration: 1:33

One of the best awareness training tools.

One of the best awareness training tools I have seen and used. One of the benefits that I loved was the fact that I did not have to make any change to my current environment to get the software running, as everything is Cloud based. For us it was really important that the solution catered for more than just phishing.

Paul P.


SafeTitan reduces security risks.

SafeTitan reduces security risks by creating end-user awareness of critical security threats such as phishing emails. It can tailor the training specific to the employee’s needs, rather than training the whole organization. Reporting employee security training is perfect for compliance requirements.

Marie T.


SafeTitan is the tool to use.

If you are looking for a diverse cybersecurity training platform, then look no further, SafeTitan is the tool to use. With the simple ease-of-use, I can set up my whole year of security training in a day or two, and know that it will execute without fail. We should have used this a long time ago.

John D.

Software Enginner

A great all round product

Comments: Its a good product for the price, easy to use and setup. Its a low upkeep product, once its setup and you have scheduled in your training campaigns, its all automatic from there.


IT Technician

Easy to use and at a great price point!

Comments: Our overall experience with SafeTtian has been excellent! The tool provides our organization and customers with the tools required to combat cyber threats. Pros: In today’s cyber environment and proliferation of cyber threats, all SafeTitan’s features are impactful and help prepare our users and customers for the challenges facing all organizations from threat actors. The product was easy to setup and integrate into our operations. Cons: There is really nothing to dislike about SafeTitan and the product is continually being improved. If we ever have a question or issue, support is immediate and first class!



Why choose TitanHQ Security Awareness Training?

TitanHQ Security Awareness Training is powered by 25 years of cutting-edge security innovation and expertise. Our expert team safeguards thousands of organizations and MSPs globally, bringing unparalleled experience to ensure your security training is comprehensive and proactive. Cybercriminals rely on your users falling for their scams and phishing emails but you can fight security threats with TitanHQ Security Awareness Training. Equip your users to recognize and respond to potential security risks with Security Awareness Training.

Remediate Risk with Automated Security Awareness Training!

Traditional security awareness training programs no longer measure up. Maintaining them requires significant effort, yet they don't enhance security. With TitanHQ SAT, you enjoy a hands-off, set-and-forget experience. Our security experts design and schedule security training for your users continually. With TitanHQ SAT you can enable your employees to recognize and report cyber threats through engaging, contextual, and narrative-driven lessons fully managed by TitanHQ. Campaign management and reporting happen automatically in the background.

Want to learn more? Sign up for a demo and we'll show you TitanHQ SAT in action.

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Geraldine Hunt

Geraldine Hunt


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