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Exchange 2013 Anti-Spam Software

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Exchange 2013 Anti-Spam Software

If your organization manages its email distribution with the 2013 version of Microsoft Exchange Server, you can reduce the amount of spam email your organization receives, and increase protection against phishing and malware, with Exchange 2013 anti-spam software.

Exchange 2013 anti-spam software conducts many more tests on inbound email than the Exchange Server filters and often has a higher detection rate than Microsoft´s own premium service. (EOP). Furthermore, EOP fails to conduct scans on outbound mail, exposing your organization to the risk of having its IP address blocked for sending spam.

How Exchange 2013 Anti-Spam Software Works

Comparisons between Microsoft Exchange, EOP and Exchange 2013 anti-spam software will show that all three conduct similar front end tests - checking inbound emails against blacklists of known spammers, Sender Policy Frameworks and SMTP Controls. These test help identify spam from known sources and, depending on what filter settings have been applied, can detect up to 97% of spam email.

Where Exchange 2013 anti-spam software differs is that it also uses a process called “Greylisting” to detect spam from previously unknown sources. With Greylisting, all inbound emails are returned to their sources with a request to send them again. Spammers´ servers are too busy to respond to the request and the spam email is never resent. This process increases the spam detection rate to 99% or higher.

Effective Anti-Virus and Outbound Scanning

Some Exchange 2013 anti-spam software also includes anti-virus software that can detect phishing attacks and malicious URLs. The software quarantines emails identified as having a high level of risk and reports on them so the emails and any attachments can be checked manually. This reduces the chance that an employee divulges their login credentials or visits a site with an exploited security vulnerability.

Outbound scanning checks each email for content that might be considered to be spam. Some inbound anti-spam software can overreact to a high concentration of words most commonly associated with spam and add your organization´s IP address to the blacklists used in front end tests. If this scenario occurs, email communication between your organization and its customers will be severely impacted.

Comparisons between Exchange 2013 Anti-Spam Software and EOP 

In addition to Greylisting, superior anti-virus software and outbound scanning, comparisons between Exchange 2013 anti-spam software and Exchange Online Protection/EOP highlight several issues with Microsoft´s premium service. Users have criticized the service for having high maintenance overheads and for automatically deleting emails containing malicious code rather than quarantining them.

Typically EOP is 25% more expensive than Exchange 2013 anti-spam software - or more if you want phishing attempts and malicious URLs blocked with the Office 365 Advanced Threat Detection service. The premium service does not have an on-premise hosting option - or a white label option for MSPs and resellers - yet, still manages to detect spam at a lower rate than Exchange 2013 anti-spam software.

SpamTitan from TitanHQ

SpamTitan is Exchange 2013 anti-spam software that equips organizations with the tools they need to reduce spam and mitigate the risks of email-borne threats such as phishing and malware. SpamTitan has a verified spam detection rate of 99.97% of spam - partly due to the Greylisting process - and uses dual anti-virus software to provide phishing protection and malicious URL blocking. SpamTitan also scans all outbound mail to prevent IP blacklisting.

Easy to use, SpamTitan is available in a choice of deployment options - SpamTitan Gateway and SpamTitan Cloud. SpamTitan Gateway is deployed as a virtual device between your organization´s firewall and your Microsoft Exchange Server. SpamTitan Cloud is hosted in the cloud – either in TitanHQ´s Cloud, in a dedicated Private Cloud, or in a cloud within your organization´s existing infrastructure.

Both solutions provide an email continuity service, have a range of customizable reporting options, and can be managed from any location using a web-based portal with an intuitive interface. A comprehensive selection of APIs is available to integrate our Exchange 2013 anti-spam software into third-party management tools, and both solutions are available in white label format for MSPs and resellers.

Try SpamTitan for Free

If your organization uses the 2013 version of Microsoft Exchange Server, you are invited to try SpamTitan free to evaluate its benefits in your own environment. Our trial offer includes a fully-enabled SpamTitan Gateway or SpamTitan Cloud solution - whichever is most appropriate for your organization - and full customer and technical support. There are no set-up costs involved, no credit card required, and no obligation for you to continue with our service at the end of the trial period.

For more information about our free offer, or to find out more about Exchange 2013 anti-spam software, do not hesitate to get in touch. Our team of experienced sales technicians will be happy to answer any questions you have and walk you through the process of registering for your free SpamTitan trial. It only takes a few minutes of your time to start reducing the amount of spam email received by your organization and increase your protection against phishing and malware.

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