Using Office 365 and getting lots of spam? You need an Office 365 spam filter. Office 365 in the cloud has some great advantages. Microsoft manages the software updates, making it easier for the IT support services. You can collaborate in real time using different mobile devices and PCs. According to Adalloms annual Cloud Usage Risk Report, Box, Office 365, Salesforce, and Google Apps constitute the majority of cloud applications in use today. It is inevitable that the move to the cloud will continue. But, let's face it, moving applications and data to cloud services exposes them to a larger variety of malware.
Office 365 comes in a variety of flavours. Only the Enterprise versions offer beefed-up security. Office 365 mail security gateways provide some protection, but SpamTitan is more effective in blocking spam. It blocks over 99.9% of spam with a false positive rate of less than 0.03%. And SpamTitan provides double antivirus engines, Kaspersky Lab and Clam AV, to protect against malware.
You can specify SpamTitan as the inbound mail gateway.SpamTitan filters out spam and viruses, and then passes the mail on to the Office 365 mail servers. You can also choose SpamTitan as the outbound mail gateway. All outgoing mail sent via your Office 365 account is filtered before forwarding it to the recipient.
SpamTitan offers additional control for outbound mail that is not available in Office 365. For example, SpamTitan ensures that your e-mail domains are not used by spambots. This is important because internet service providers block email from addresses that generate spam. What would happen to your business if you could not communicate with your clients (and vice versa)?
As you know, the threat landscape is constantly evolving with new threats emerging everyday. SpamTitan offers protection from the most current threats. Moreover, for us mail filtering is not just another option on a long list services; it is our core offering.
The combination of Office 365 with SpamTitan results in a higher overall catch rate and protection rate than clients experience from vendors who are trying to be "all things to all people".
Our developers focus on providing a feature rich and granular mail filtering solution. Administrators can configure settings for the entire company, but also users can fine-tune filters.
No two businesses are the same; mails that one company may regard as legitimate e-mail another company may regard as spam. SpamTitan's advanced features such as Advanced Content Control filter enable our engineers to apply a specific rule set to your mail flow. You see the mails you need to see and not the ones you don't! This level of customization is not available on in Office 365 standard filtering.
Only the most expensive version of Office 365, Enterprise E3, offers data loss prevention for email and files. But business continuity is a concern for businesses of all sizes. SpamTitan Private Cloud infrastructure provides back up for your mail server. SpamTitan maintains a 2-node private cluster to process mail; if one node fails, the other node takes over to continue processing email.
Furthermore, each node is located in a different data center, offering optimal back up. SpamTitan Private Cloud also uses Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL), requiring identification upon connecting to the network, before any data is exchanged.
Even if you choose to maintain your own mail server, SpamTitan offers two business continuity features:
This article outlines some reasons that companies use SpamTitan along with an Office 365 subscription, among them:
Get in touch today and see how SpamTitan anti spam can meet your unique business needs, and further secure your Office 365 environment. Talk to a specialist today or email us at with any questions.
** UPDATE 25/09/2018:
Read our brand new, just released 2018 report on overcoming the Email Security Weaknesses in O365.
Recent research by Osterman identifies that Microsoft’s EOP can detect 100% of all known viruses with updates every 15 minutes. However, the research found it to be less effective against unknown or new malware delivered by email. System Administrators implementing Office 365 need to make sure it’s secure by layering in a dedicated secure messaging and spam filtering solution like SpamTitan to protect against advanced persistent threats. To protect against advanced threats you need advanced protection.
Read the free Office 365 Security report here