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Enterprise Ireland Cybersecurity Summit

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Enterprise Ireland Cybersecurity Summit

TitanHQ is delighted to announce that we will attend the Enterprise Ireland Cybersecurity Summit on March 4th in Dublin.

This event serves as a platform for international organizations to convene and engage in meaningful cybersecurity discussions with Enterprise Ireland and its cybsercurity clients. Hosted at the Guinness Enterprise Centre in Dublin 8, the summit is poised to be an enlightening experience for all participants.

During the event, there will be speakers such as  Ireland’s National Cybersecurity Centre Richard Browne, Enterprise Ireland’s Cyber Innovator Programme Laura Clifford, Enterprise Ireland and Enterprise Ireland cybersecurity presentations from leading cybersecurity companies across Ireland.

Distinguished cybersecurity professionals, including Richard Browne from Ireland’s National Cybersecurity Centre and Laura Clifford from Enterprise Ireland’s Cyber Innovator Programme, will share their expertise and knowledge. Additionally, attendees will hear insightful presentations on cybersecurity by leading companies from across Ireland, showcasing the industry's latest developments.

TitanHQ is enthusiastic about the opportunity to join the discussion on emergeging cybersecurty threats, such as the rise of phishing, and we have evolved our business and products to tackle such threats. We look forward to engaging with the event attendees.

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