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Considering the consequences of being accidently blacklisted, it is a little surprising that not every email filtering solution has an outbound email spam filter by default. An outbound email filter can catch any email being sent from your organization that might be interpreted as spam by an over-zealous inbound email filter.

How could an email being sent from your organization be interpreted as spam? Easily. All it takes is an incorrectly spelled title in the subject line, or the overuse of spam-related words in the content of the email, and an inbound email spam filter with its parameters set very high could block the email and report your IP address to a Realtime Blackhole Agency.

Real-time Blackhole Agencies compile lists of known spammers. These lists are shared between all major email service providers (Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, etc.), so it is possible that your emails could be blocked by the spam filters belonging to every one of your customers, suppliers and business associates. Normal service would only be resumed once your IP address was removed from a Realtime Blackhole List or added to each of your recipients´ white lists.

Did You Know?


SpamTitan's spam catch rate

11 Seconds

a ransomware attack occurs


the average cost to manage spam per person without an email filter


of all email is spam

Other Reasons for Using an Outbound Email Filter

Although there may be a perfectly innocent reason for your organization´s IP address being blacklisted, there could be more sinister reasons as well. It may be the case that one of your organization´s employees is actually sending out spam email. This would not only be an abuse of their email privileges but would reflect badly on your organization.

It may also be the case that your organization´s IP address has been blacklisted because an email has been sent containing malware, or a link to a malware-infested website. This may not necessarily have occurred because your organization´s network is infected. It may because an employee has prepared a presentation on their malware-infested home computer and attached the file to a corporate email.

An outbound email filter can prevent these scenarios from happening. With outbound email filtering, all your organization´s emails are scanned for content that might be interpreted as spam and malicious software. Any spam emails or emails containing malware that are identified are quarantine and listed in a report for appropriate action to be taken by the system administrator.

SpamTitan detects 99.97% of inbound spam email and filters all outbound emails to avoid the unintended blacklisting of your organization's IP address.

Outbound Email Filter from TitanHQ

TitanHQ has been developing advanced online security solutions since 1999. Among our portfolio of security solutions is one of the most advanced and effective email spam filters on the market - SpamTitan. SpamTitan detects 99.97% of inbound spam email and filters all outbound emails to avoid the unintended blacklisting of your organization's IP address.SpamTitan Cloud is a cloud-based email filter that is universally compatible and infinity scalable.  Implementation of SpamTitan Cloud requires a simple redirection of your DNS, and the solution can be hosted in our cloud, in your virtual infrastructure or in a Private AWS Cloud.

A white label version of the SpamTitan software is also available for Managed Service Providers and resellers whose clients demand an outbound email filter. There is a full range of APIs that can be used to integrate SpamTitan with third-party management applications and can be managed remotely for easier configuration and administration.

Hear from our Customers

Excellent product with simple implementation

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? I like the ease of installation as well as the ease of controls and customization. For those looking at some of the other products keep in mind that even after installation you need to be able to manage and you may need to customize a few features. This is very important as the simplicity makes it so I don’t have to relearn the product each time. What do you dislike about SpamTitan Email Security? I only have one dislike and it’s that I didn’t go with SpamTitan earlier. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? We solved a problem in that we could not control email sending of photos and videos. We now can. With that in mind it has also allowed other policies to be controlled where before the policies were more a legal aspect to be used after someone did something against policy and got caught. Now we are able to prevent!

Jeff B.


Best decision I’ve made in a while

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? SpamTitan filters out more of the spam, with less false positives than the product we used to use. It has a better interface which is very easy to use as well. What do you dislike about SpamTitan Email Security? I haven't found anything to dislike yet. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? Before using SpamTitan I basically had to blanket block most countries outside of the US. I also had to deal with frequent complaints for staff on the amount of spam getting through. Now I have only 2 non us domains blocked, and get maybe 1 concerned staffer email a month. I love this product!

Stephen H.

IT Administrator

Great easy to implement user friendly solution

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? The straight forward implementation process and user friendly interface. Recommendations to others considering SpamTitan Email Security: Definitely one of the best email protection solutions I have worked with. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? SpamTitan has become a core frontend component for our spam / malware protection for our mail systems.

Thomas W.

Corporate IT Manager

One of the better Filtering gateways out there

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? Definitely am a big fan of the clustered mode for high availability as well as checking outbound emails for specific regex strings. We've caught a few people sending information that they shouldn't have through our system. Recommendations to others considering SpamTitan Email Security: If your organization's email address list was put on a spamming list, SpamTitan is a huge relief. We no longer receive unsolicited emails and everything works really seamlessly. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? By filtering out spam, we're able to have users spend less time sifting through their emails and more time being productive in their day to day jobs.

Mario S.

System Engineer

SpamTitan Cloud Version

What do you like best about SpamTitan Email Security? Doesn't take long to have it up and running, Menus are clear for easy navigation. Can have multiple users with different roles for team collaboration. I must add that even some will say it is not part of the product for ""US"" the IT force if you have a great product that lacks support... then you have a problem... for me SpamTitan is a great product with a good support team. What problems is SpamTitan Email Security solving and how is that benefiting you? Emails are and will remain that open door for unwanted junk, malicious attacks and faster contamination from a virus, SpamTitan gives that extra comfort, at a reasonable price, you have some defense against these types of emails before they hit your organization. As an added benefit, my emails will still flow if my on-premises server goes down up to 5 days!!!

Hector G.

Network Administrator

Try our Outbound Email Filter Free

If you have never experienced the benefits of outbound email filtering, we invite you to try SpamTitan and its outbound email spam filter for free. We believe this will give you the ideal opportunity to test the value of an outbound email filter in your own environment, with no contracts to sign and obligation to continue with our service at the end of the free trial.

Access your free trial

Susan Morrow

Susan Morrow


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