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Web Filtering Software

Web filtering software prevents end users from visiting websites known to contain malware or exploit kits and blocks botnet activity and communications with hackers’ C&C servers. The software can also be configured to also block malicious third party adverts on websites (malvertising).

Antivirus and antimalware software are required to detect malicious software that has been downloaded, but it is now important for enterprise web filtering software to be installed. Enterprise web filtering software is an invaluable protection against a wide range of web-borne threats. Rather than allowing malware and ransomware to be downloaded, enterprise web filtering software prevents end-users from visiting websites that contain these malicious threats.

Web filtering software is also one of the most effective ways to neutralize the threat from phishing. Phishing is a technique used by cybercriminals to gain access to sensitive user information. Phishers trick end users into revealing login credentials or downloading malicious software onto their computers.

Phishing involves sophisticated social engineering techniques to fool end users into visiting malicious websites. If employees can be convinced to reveal sensitive information or download ransomware or malware, cybercriminals can easily bypass even the most sophisticated of cybersecurity defenses.

Organizations in heavily regulated industries such as the U.S. healthcare industry face stiff financial penalties for failing to prevent malware infections. in 2023, 725 large security breaches in healthcare were reported to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR), beating the record of 720 healthcare security breaches set the previous year.

Did You Know?


businesses experienced a DNS attack


malware & spyware domains categorised a day


predefined categories by default


of websites tested by Google for malware were infected

Benefits of Enterprise Web Filtering Software

Blocking access to malicious websites is now the primary reason for implementing a web filter; although there are many other benefits that can be gained from filtering the Internet. Enterprise web filtering software can be used to carefully control the web content that can be accessed by employees. By preventing employees from accessing certain categories of website – dating, gambling, and gaming websites for example – employers can dramatically improve productivity.

Filters can be configured to block web pages by category, URLs, or keywords. Employers may choose to block pornography by category while restricting access to discriminatory website content using keywords. These controls are important to avoid the development of a hostile working environment, which could result in lawsuits being filed by employees.

Many enterprises also choose to block access to websites which hog bandwidth: Video streaming websites such as Netflix and YouTube for example.

Features of Enterprise Web Filtering Software

Finding the right enterprise web filtering software with all of the features you need – and at the right price point – can be a challenge. To help you select the most suitable Internet filtering solution for your enterprise, we have listed some of the common features of web filter software to look for.

Malware and Phishing Protection

Anti-phishing controls are an important feature of enterprise web filtering software. Phishing websites are used to steal login credentials. If these credentials are obtained, hackers can bypass security controls and gain access to networks and sensitive data. Enterprise web filtering software should include an anti-phishing component in addition to blocking websites that contain exploit kits, malware, adware, and spyware. For maximum protection, choose a solution that also allows the blocking of third-party adverts on websites to reduce the risk from malvertising.

Blocking of Anonymizers, Proxies, and Port Bypassing

A web filter allows organizations to restrict access to certain types of website content. It is, therefore, important that acceptable usage policies cannot be bypassed. However, by using proxy servers, port bypass, or anonymizers, users could conceivably bypass an organization’s web filtering controls. To prevent end-users from circumventing company AUPs, ensure your chosen solution includes IP and Port bypassing controls and that anonymizers and web proxies can be blocked.

Automatic Software Updates

Patch management takes a lot of IT resources; however, unpatched software can potentially be exploited by hackers to gain access to networks. To ease the burden on the IT department, look for a web filtering solution that includes automatic software updates.

HTTPS Inspection

Cybercriminals are increasingly using secure websites, yet not all enterprise web filtering software can inspect the content of websites that have SSL certificates – Websites that start with HTTPS. Many malicious websites use fraudulently obtained SSL certificates. Failing to inspect these websites can leave an organization open to cyberattacks. To ensure total protection, ensure a web filtering solution includes HTTPS and SSL inspection.

Time-Based Filtering Controls

Time-based controls can be used to carefully control the website content that can be accessed at certain times of the day. If enterprise web filtering software has this feature, personal Internet use can be restricted during normal working hours. This feature can also be used to conserve bandwidth at times when network use is heavy.

Blocking of Facebook Messenger

Many organizations prefer not to block access to all social media websites at work, yet would like to block access to Facebook Messenger. Facebook Messenger can introduce risks. The chat program lacks the level of security demanded by many organizations. Some enterprise web filtering software can be configured to block chat programs. Facebook Messenger can also be blocked without blocking access to Facebook.

Role-Based Web Filtering

It is possible to set different web filtering controls for different individuals – or groups of individuals - in your organization. Look for a solution that offers the ability to easily set privileges based on users’ roles in the organization. Some enterprise content filtering software allows filters to be added for all users or specific user groups. Look for web filter software that can be integrated with Active Directory, NetIQ and LDAP to make this process much less time-consuming.

Organizations in heavily regulated industries such as the U.S. healthcare industry face stiff financial penalties for failing to prevent malware infections.

Web Filtering Software for Enterprise from TitanHQ

TitanHQ’s scalable enterprise web filtering software – WebTitan – can be used to protect both wired and wireless networks. Installation is a quick and easy process, while the solution has a low management overhead.

There are three versions of WebTitan available to enterprises. WebTitan Gateway is our most powerful enterprise web filtering software solution, offering the maximum level of control over the types of web content that can be accessed by employees. WebTitan Gateway is supplied as a software solution or as a virtual appliance, both of which can be installed on your existing hardware. WebTitan Gateway includes automatic network configuration and installation and configuration takes a matter of minutes.

WebTitan Cloud is a 100% cloud-based enterprise-class web filter. WebTitan Cloud uses DNS-based filtering. All that is required is for you to point your DNS to WebTitan and you can be filtering the Internet in minutes. Web filtering settings can be accessed from any Internet-connected computer via an easy-to-use web-based control panel.

WebTitan Cloud for WiFi offers the same level of protection, but for WiFi networks. WebTitan Cloud for WiFi has excellent scalability and can be used to protect single WiFi routers or nationwide networks of WiFi hotspots.

WebTitan Cloud and WebTitan Cloud for WiFi are ideal solutions for Managed Service Providers looking to add a content filtering software to their portfolio of managed services. There are a range of hosting options – including hosting the solution within an MSPs own environment and the product is also available as a white label. With WebTitan Cloud there is no need to provide any on-site support.

Hear from our Customers

Good Product, Great Support.

The product has been a success. Deploying has been easier than expected and the support from the WebTitan team has been great. The customizable client facing response is easily managed. The support team has been outstanding.

Adam M.

Senior NOC Manager

Setting up web filters is simple and quick, and once installed and configured, it pretty much works on its own.

We use it to keep people from streaming in our main office. Everything goes through our main office, and we don't want it to be clogged so that nobody can get to it. We have to limit the streaming capabilities of the users and access to any inappropriate sites.

Bob Miller

Information Services

Went well initially…

What do you like best about WebTitan Web Filter? Agent deployment was hassle free. Logging features and dashboard provided good insight with relevant information. Reports were easily configurable and straightforward. What problems is WebTitan Web Filter solving and how is that benefiting you? URL Filtering, Employee & Workstation Network Activity Logs.

Paul P.

IT Administrator

Keeps us from getting compromised with something that will impact the day-to-day business.

Not a whole lot of oversight is required after WebTitan is installed. I get email notifications and occasionally browse the reporting. This is pretty important because I don't have the bandwidth to actively monitor all this stuff 24/7. It is just not possible. Therefore, it is important that it doesn't require a lot of my time once it is deployed and working.

Joe King


Best in class for cloud based email protection

What do you like best about WebTitan Web Filter? We tested several cloud based email protection services and found WebTitan by far the best service. Excellent product backed by excellent technical support technicians across the globe. What problems is WebTitan Web Filter solving and how is that benefiting you? Spam and virus protection.

Kurt J.


No Obligation Trial of WebTitan Web Filtering

We believe you should have the opportunity to try our product before you buy. Before committing to a license for one year or more, why not take advantage of our free WebTitan trial. We offer all enterprises the opportunity to install WebTitan Gateway, WebTitan Cloud, or WebTitan Cloud for WiFi and to evaluate our products in their own environment.

Our customer support team is on hand to provide assistance with installation and full technical support is available for the duration of the trial. Assistance will also be provided to help you configure WebTitan to suit your enterprise’s needs.

Contact our Sales Team today. Our friendly team will be able to answer any questions you may have about our products and advise you on the most suitable deployment option to suit your organization’s needs. 

Susan Morrow

Susan Morrow


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Malware Prevention and Web Filtering Software?

Malware prevention and web filtering software block users from opening malicious websites in their browsers. It’s useful for organizations to use web content filtering software to stop web-based attacks including malware downloads and ransomware. It also stops users from accessing phishing web pages that steal employee credentials and private information.

How Does Malware Filtering Work?

Instead of solely using antivirus and antimalware programs for data protection, malware filtering blocks users from downloading from specific domains. When users attempt to access downloads from a specific domain in their browsers, the malware filtering software blocks access immediately during the DNS lookup process, so users receive a warning message in their browser rather than the download.

Web Filters Can Prevent Which Type of Malicious Activity?

Whether it’s a phishing email or a malicious online link, users are an organization’s weakest link. Web filters block users from accessing malicious downloads and domains hosting phishing content so that they are not tempted into installing malware on their local workstations or divulging sensitive information, such as network credentials to attackers.

Is a Web Filter a Piece of Software that Helps Prevent Phishing?

A web filter combined with email filtering software greatly reduces the risks of phishing. Employees cannot access a malicious domain if email filtering software presents a false negative, so a web filter acts as a failsafe to protect users from opening an attacker-controlled web page after clicking on an embedded phishing link in an email.

How Does Web Filter Work?

When a user tries to retrieve a web page in their browser, a web filter works by blocking the domain during the lookup query on the domain’s name server. By blocking the DNS lookup, users cannot retrieve any malicious content or download malware to their local workstations, saving an organization from malware or ransomware attacks.

What is Web Filtering Software?

Web filtering software blocks anyone on the network from retrieving phishing or malware downloads using their browsers. It’s an added layer of cybersecurity for any organization where users have open access to the internet. Blocking content during the DNS query also stops malware from reaching a workstation and forces users to rely on antivirus software.

How to Block Malicious Websites?

Using a phishing email, attackers trick users into retrieving malicious content. Organizations can use web filtering software to block users from loading known phishing domains and domains known for distributing malware. A web filter blocks domains during a DNS query so administrators can configure the environment to block categories of inappropriate content and malicious domains.

What is Filtering in Cyber Security?

To add a layer of cyber security on a network, administrators integrate web filtering software to block known malicious domains. Web filtering software blocks a malicious domain during DNS queries when users type a malicious domain into their browsers. By blocking a domain, users receive a warning message and can’t access the domain, so an organization essentially lowers the risks of a data breach from web-based threats.

Do Web Filters Block Malicious Websites?

Web filters block malicious websites from being loaded in user browsers. Employees tricked into clicking a malicious link in a phishing email or opening a domain known for hosting malicious content will be blocked from accessing it and will receive a warning. Web filters also provide reports so that administrators can review any suspicious domain requests.

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